Semiconductor Quantum Technologies for Information Processing and Sensing
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PDF4.27.2016 OSA Webinar Slides.pdf


The field of quantum optics offers powerful new ways to compute, communicate, and measure with quantum states. Enabled by recent advances in quantum control and nanofabrication, it is now becoming possible to realize scalable quantum technologies in semiconductor systems.


In this webinar presented by the OSA Photonic Detection Technical Group, Dr. Dirk Englund from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology will describe his recent work towards high-speed quantum key distribution using photonic integrated circuits, as well as scalable quantum information processors based on on-chip quantum networks. Dr. Englund will also briefly discuss waveguide-integrated graphene-based high-speed photodetectors.


What You Will Learn/Seminar Objectives:

  • In this webinar, the audience is expected to learn about the use of integrated optics and nanophotonics for quantum information processing.
  • A particular focus will be on quantum communication and new technologies for photodetection.


Who Should Attend:

  • This webinar should be attended by PhD students, post-docs and young faculty members. This seminar is also helpful for individuals in the photonics industries.  



  • This webinar is targeted to both beginner and intermediate levels. 


Seminar Information
Seminar Date:
April 27, 2016