A look into the world of Nonimaging Optics
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Pablo Benitez   [ view bio ]
William Cassarly   [ view bio ]
Julio Chaves   [ view bio ]
PDFNonimaging Optical Desgin Webinar Presentation.pdf
WMVA look into the world of Nonimaging Optics
A look into the world of Nonimaging Optics

The webinar will discuss why nominaging optics are the best option for illumination engineering (including solar energy concentration). The presentation starts with a very simple introduction to conservation of etendue (a basic concept in light energy transfer) and then proceeds to explore its consequences in illumination optics design. Why nonimaging optics used as collimators (for example in solid state lighting -using Light Emitting Diods, LEDs - flashlights) minimize size and overall volume, two decisive characteristics in minimizing cost and making these optics usable in demanding applications where space is limited. Why nonimaging optics used as concentrators (typically solar concentrators), maximize the entrance aperture size, thus maximizing energy collection. Why nonimaging optics maximize tolerances, making them more robust to errors in manufacturing and assembly. Finally, light sources may be heterogeneous and the presentation will briefly cover Kohler concepts that are able to handle these challenging light sources.

What You Will Learn:

A. Why nonimaging optics have the potential to minimize cost by:
  • minimizing optic size and volume in illumination (collimators)
  • maximizing collection aperture in solar energy concentration
  • maximizing tolerances to manufacturing and assembly errors
B. Handling heterogeneous sources

  • Julio Chaves, Optical designer, LPI
  • William James Cassarly, Senior Scientist, Synopsys.
  • Pablo Benítez, Associate Professor, UPM

Who Should Attend:
  • People in solid state lighting
  • People in solar energy concentration
  • Illumination engineers
  • Students

  • Beginner. All concepts are presented in simple terms and (hopefully) no nonimaging optics background is necessary to follow the presentation.

Seminar Information
Seminar Date:
July 10, 2013